Proceed with caution!

Posted: May 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

OK… So here we are, at a four way stop…

What way to go is the question… You could go one of three ways, but cross out the first as it’s the way you came from.

To the map of the human heart, it seems comlpicated much, only because you dont know what’s going to happen in either path you take. But you know what, things work out just as they suppose to. Though we all are willing to say and speak about the disadvantages of lies as we go along. So don’t listen to the lies and the rumors of a fool which ultimately leads to someone getting socked in the jaw for kicks.
Nowadays it just doesn’t seem cool.

Now tell me what the hell am I supposed to do? Then a wise man gave me a clue he said “the only way out, is the way through!”

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